Modelo a escala arquitectónica

An architectural scale model is a 3D, proportional representation of a building or environment created to communicate design intent visually and explore spatial relationships. Made from materials such as paper, madera, resin, and metal, these models can be handcrafted or 3D printed. The scale is indicated by a ratio, like 1:100 or 1:200, with higher numbers representing smaller models.

Architectural scale models offer designers a tangible, real-world sense of how a project will evolve, complementing blueprints and 3D renderings in the creative and building process. They help convey a design’s proportions, aesthetics, and overall feel that may be difficult to visualize through other means.

Architectural Scale Model Maker in China

en m&Y Model, we specialize in creating high-quality architectural scale models that offer a comprehensive view of your project, showcasing every detail from building materials to landscaping. These models are perfect for architectural firms, developers, and real estate agents who want to present their designs in a visually striking, easy-to-understand format. Whether you’re preparing for a real estate fair, investor pitch, or client presentation, our architectural scale models will help you capture attention and accelerate decision-making.

Key Characteristics of Architectural Scale Model​

Scale Representation​

The model is built to a specific scale (e.g., 1:100, 1:50, 1:200) to provide an accurate, proportionate view of the structure relative to its surroundings. This helps stakeholders visualize the size and relationships between different parts of the building.


Architectural scale models are often made from a variety of materials such as wood, plastic, acrílico, foam, and metal. The choice of material is influenced by the project’s requirements and the desired level of detail.

Visual Aid​

These models are primarily used for design presentation, marketing, or client communication. They offer a more tangible way to experience a building’s design compared to 2D blueprints or digital renderings.


Besides aesthetic appeal, architectural scale models often serve a functional purpose—helping architects evaluate the project’s design, test spatial relationships, and assess how the building integrates into its environment.

Benefits of Architectural Scale Model

Enhanced Understanding

A physical model helps people understand the full scope of a design, including the relationship between different elements, materials, and spaces.

Realistic Visualization

They offer a more accurate, realistic depiction of the project compared to digital models or drawings, allowing for a clearer vision of the finished structure.

Decision-Making Tool

Models help stakeholders make decisions by offering a detailed, hands-on view of the project, ensuring that all aspects of the design are considered before moving forward.

Uses of Architectural Scale Model

Client and Investor Presentations

Architectural scale models help present a concept to clients, investors, or stakeholders in a visually engaging way.

Planning and Prototyping

Architects use models to refine ideas, test various design elements, and explore the feasibility of a project before construction.

Marketing and Real Estate

Developers use scale models in showrooms, real estate exhibitions, or project pitches to showcase future buildings or developments.

Urban Design

These models help demonstrate how a building fits into a larger urban context, showing how it interacts with nearby structures and the surrounding environment.

METRO&Modelo Y para impulsar sus proyectos

Desde su fundación, METRO&Y Model se ha dedicado a ofrecer modelos arquitectónicos de alta calidad y servicios de renderizado 3D que elevan sus proyectos.. Nuestro equipo de profesionales apasionados y capacitados aporta ideas frescas y soluciones innovadoras a cada proyecto., impulsando nuestro rápido crecimiento y éxito.
Con tecnología avanzada y artesanía experta., Creamos modelos detallados y representaciones realistas que capturan con precisión su visión de diseño.. Estamos comprometidos a proporcionar alta calidad., servicios rentables y garantizar la entrega oportuna, ayudando a que sus proyectos se eleven a nuevas alturas.
Confía en m&Modelo Y para convertir tus conceptos en realidad con resultados excepcionales.


Asóciese con el mundo

en m&Y Model, Estamos orgullosos de colaborar con una clientela diversa en todo el mundo.. con más 600 clientes satisfechos en 80+ países, nuestro alcance se extiende por continentes, asegurando modelos arquitectónicos de clase mundial y servicios adaptados a cada necesidad.
Ya sea un proyecto local o una obra maestra internacional, Somos su socio de confianza para convertir visiones en tangibles., Modelos precisos que dejan una impresión duradera.. Construyamos algo extraordinario, juntos!

Ponte en contacto con nosotros!


Teléfono: +86-199 8828 4063

Correo electrónico:


Parque Industrial Nanlong, Distrito de PanYu, GuangZhou

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