Custom Architectural Models to Enhance Your Presentations and Marketing

Di M&dan model, we create the best architectural renderings for the clients that bring the designs to life. From detailed 3D exterior visualizations to interior walkthroughs, our architectural rendering services make your idea easy to communicate your vision with clarity.

Architectural Model Services

M&Y Model specializes in high-quality architectural models, offering precision and craftsmanship for various scales and design needs. From conceptual models to complex prototypes, we work closely with architects and developers to bring your vision to life. Trust us for professional, tailored solutions that enhance your project’s presentation.

Model Skala Arsitektur

Model Konsep Arsitektur

Model Situs Arsitektur

Model Lanskap Arsitektur

What You Get to Work with M&dan model

Over the years, M&Y Model has worked with clients as architects, designers, and developers from different countries around the world, which enables us to have good communication with clients understand various requirements the first time, and provide customers with cost-effective architectural models in the fastest time.

Exquisite Workmanship

With years of experience and skilled artisans, M&Y Model creates highly detailed and accurate models that bring architectural visions to life, ensuring every design element is faithfully represented.

Harga Kompetitif

Thanks to the full and high-effect supply chain, While maintaining high standards of quality, M&Y Model ensures cost-effective pricing, offering excellent value for the level of craftsmanship provided.

Pengiriman Tepat Waktu

Cause of the complete production line, M&Y Model combines exquisite craftsmanship with efficient project management, ensuring models are delivered on time, meeting deadlines without compromising on quality.

High-Quality Materials

M&Y Model uses only premium materials, including wood, acrylic, metals, and eco-friendly materials, ensuring the durability and visual appeal of every model and friendly to the environment.

Client-Focused Approach

M&Y Model works closely with clients to understand their specific requirements, providing expert consultation, advice, and personalized solutions to ensure the final product meets all expectations.

One-Stop Service

From conceptual models and competition models to full-scale prototypes and interactive presentations, M&Y Model offers a wide range of services to meet diverse client needs.

Get Your Custom Architectural Model Today!

M&Model Y untuk Meluncurkan Proyek Anda

Sejak didirikan, M&Y Model telah didedikasikan untuk memberikan model arsitektur berkualitas tinggi dan layanan rendering 3D yang meningkatkan proyek Anda. Tim kami yang terdiri dari para profesional yang bersemangat dan terampil menghadirkan ide-ide segar dan solusi inovatif untuk setiap proyek, mendorong pertumbuhan dan kesuksesan kami yang pesat.
Dengan teknologi canggih dan keahlian ahli, kami membuat model detail dan rendering realistis yang secara tepat menangkap visi desain Anda. Kami berkomitmen untuk menyediakan kualitas tinggi, layanan hemat biaya dan memastikan pengiriman tepat waktu, membantu proyek Anda melambung ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi.
Percayalah pada M&Y Model untuk mengubah konsep Anda menjadi kenyataan dengan hasil yang luar biasa.


Bermitra dengan Dunia

Di M&dan model, kami bangga berkolaborasi dengan beragam klien di seluruh dunia. Dengan berakhir 600 klien yang puas di 80+ negara, jangkauan kami mencakup benua, memastikan model dan layanan arsitektur kelas dunia yang disesuaikan dengan setiap kebutuhan.
Baik itu proyek lokal maupun karya internasional, kami adalah mitra tepercaya Anda untuk mengubah visi menjadi nyata, model presisi yang meninggalkan kesan mendalam. Mari kita membangun sesuatu yang luar biasa—bersama!

Hubungi Kami!




Taman Industri Nanlong, PanYu District, Guangzhou

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Hubungi kami

Terima kasih telah mempertimbangkan untuk menghubungi M&dan model. Kami akan merespons di dalam 24 jam. Proyek Anda akan ditangani dengan sangat hati-hati dan profesionalisme!

(Silakan kirimkan kepada kami melalui WeTransfer ke [email protected]. jika file lebih besar dari 20MB. )